Welcome to Gloucester Assembly of God

Building Lives Toward Wholeness

Thank you for visiting us on the web! We hope you will take a few minutes to learn more about our family at Gloucester Assembly of God. We are a community of believers striving to live out allegiance to Jesus for the glory of God and the benefit of others. Please scroll down to see some of the latest activity on our Facebook page, and don’t forget to check out the ministry section of our website for information on what we have going on. Most importantly, we want to thank you for stopping by and wish you a wonderful day. If you ever need prayer or want more information about us, please contact us by visiting the “About” section of our website.


Pastor Jim and Donna Williams

What Do We Mean By


Building Lives Toward Wholeness?


The working out of our salvation is a process. Our paradigm is journey, or pilgrimage.


Suggests integration. Christianity should be a whole-life experience. That is, it should impact every dimension of our lives.


Forget the “arrival” mentality. We will never “arrive” in this lifetime. The question is not how good a Christian we are (I say this with respect to the outward identifiers that we easily associate with being a good Christian). Rather, the question is: are we making progress?


Reconciliation, the outworking of which leads to maturity. Reconciled to God, others, self, creation

Sermon: "Building Lives Toward Wholeness"

by Pastor Jim Williams

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Upcoming Events

February 2025

Sunday Morning Service

February 16 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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An event every week that begins at 10:00am on Sunday, repeating until January 25, 2026

Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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Nursery care is available for infants through 4 years old. Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to participate in Kingdom Kids.

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Located in America's oldest seaport, Gloucester Assembly of God exists to bring the hope of Jesus to the people of Cape Ann and beyond. In Jesus we find forgiveness, healing, and restoration. We are passionate to see all grow in the love that God has for them. We invite you to worship on Sundays mornings at 10:00 am (childcare and children's programs provided).