

We are a community of believers, living out our allegiance to Jesus, for the glory of God and the benefit of others.


To fulfill Christ’s Great Commission by:

  • calling people to reorient their lives to Jesus Christ,
  • teaching them to know God through obedience to the scriptures,
  • working together to bring Christ to Cape Ann, the North Shore, and the world.


  • Living the Gospel
    The Gospel is the good news that through Christ, the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to renew the whole world. Christ renews us by forgiving our sins and re-orienting us to his purposes. Knowing Christ in this way frees us from self-righteousness and self-condemnation and promises new life, now and for eternity.
  • Cooperating with the Holy Spirit
    Believers experience the presence and power of Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us out of self-centered orientations and empowers us to live the values of God’s kingdom. The Holy Spirit fills us corporately, as well as individually, and extends through us Christ’s ministry to others.
  • Growing through community
    The Gospel calls believers to live as an alternative community to that of the culture around us. The love of Christ breaks down barriers that normally divide people, and enables us to get along through the healing power of the Gospel. Here we are responsible to use our spiritual gifts and other resources to benefit one another.
  • Encountering Christ in worship
    In worship, we assert our identity as a community defined by the presence of the risen Christ. We encounter Christ through song, prayer, sacrament, and God’s word. In worship, God heals us, corrects us, and strengthens us to live for him. Our worship, along with Christ’s presence among us, proclaims to the surrounding community that Jesus is Lord.
  • Maturing as followers of Christ
    The Gospel calls us to maturity as followers of Christ. As we come to know Him through the practice of spiritual disciplines, we increasingly reflect his character in our actions and relationships. We become constructive and life-giving in our approach to the things that once drove us, including sexuality, money, and power.
  • Reaching out to others
    All men, women, and children are created in God’s image and have the capacity to know Him as they follow Christ. The Gospel liberates us to accept people we once excluded and makes us welcoming and respectful to those who do not share our beliefs. Therefore, we practice hospitality toward all people, particularly nurturing the most vulnerable members of our society.
  • Investing in Cape Ann
    The Gospel is powerful to not only change individuals, but to renew entire cities and neighborhoods. The welfare of our church is connected to the welfare of Cape Ann, so we seek to love and serve the diverse inhabitants of our communities. We act together on God’s behalf to proclaim hope through Jesus Christ and to practice justice and compassion. We desire for people to become followers of Christ, but we are committed to sacrificially serving our neighbors whether they believe as we do or not.
  • Bringing Christ to the world
    We seek to avoid insularity as a congregation. Therefore, we pursue creative ways to partner with other churches to represent Jesus in our community. We participate in God’s global mission by supporting those who serve Jesus in other nations. We strongly focus our resources on regions that have had little access to the Gospel.

Gloucester Assembly of God was founded in 1973 as an affiliated congregation of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

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January 2025

Sunday Morning Service

January 26 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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An event every week that begins at 10:00am on Sunday, repeating until January 25, 2026

Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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Nursery care is available for infants through 4 years old. Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to participate in Kingdom Kids.

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Located in America's oldest seaport, Gloucester Assembly of God exists to bring the hope of Jesus to the people of Cape Ann and beyond. In Jesus we find forgiveness, healing, and restoration. We are passionate to see all grow in the love that God has for them. We invite you to worship on Sundays mornings at 10:00 am (childcare and children's programs provided).