
The Names of God | Son of Man | Mark 13:1-27

by Pastor Jim Williams | 07/05/2020

Names of God | Son of God | Mark 1:1-15

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/28/2020

The Names of God | Jesus, The LORD Saves | Matthew 1:18-21

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/21/2020

The Names of God | Emmanuel, God with Us | Matthew 1:18-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/14/2020

Names of God | Jehovah Shammah, The LORD Who Is There | Ezekiel 43:1-12; 48:35

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/07/2020

The Names of God | The LORD Our Righteousness | Jeremiah 23:1-8

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/31/2020

The Names of God |The LORD of Hosts | 2 Kings 6:8-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/24/2020

Names of God | Jehovah Shalom, The LORD is Peace | Judges 6:1-24

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/17/2020

The Names of God | The God Who Makes You Holy | Exodus 31:12-18

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/10/2020

The Names of God | Jehovah Nissi, The LORD is my Banner | Exodus 17:8-16

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/03/2020

The Names of God | EL Shaddai, God Almighty | Genesis 17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/08/2020

The Names of God | EL Roi, the God Who Sees | Genesis 16

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/01/2020

The Names of God | Elohim, the Power of God | Genesis 1

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/23/2020

The Names of God | Introduction | Exodus 20:1-7

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/16/2020

What's in a Name? | The Knowledge of God | Romans 1

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/09/2020

Real Experiences of Jesus | 1 John 1:1-4

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 02/02/2020

What Does God Expect of Us? | 1 Peter 2:4-5

by Pastor Jim Williams | 01/12/2020

Proverbs 4:23-27

by Pastor Jim Williams | 01/05/2020

1 John 1:4-10

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/22/2019

Luke 1:39-55

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/15/2019

Hope is the Person of Jesus Christ | John 1:1

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/01/2019

Fending off Disapproval | Luke 15

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/24/2019

Handling Loss | 2 Cor 5:1-5

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/17/2019

Surrendering our Guilt | 1 John 4:10

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/10/2019

Proven Faithfulness of God | Psalm 23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/03/2019

Self-Image Management | Matthew 9:10-13

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/27/2019

Honoring God in Relational Conflict | Proverbs 15:1

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/20/2019

Honoring God with our Wealth |Proverbs 3:9-10

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/13/2019

Know Him in all of your ways | Proverbs 3

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/06/2019

Created for God | Proverns 1:7

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/29/2019

Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit | Acts 6:1-7

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/22/2019

The Bottom Line | Acts 4:32 - 5:11

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/15/2019

Generosity with Delight | Acts 4:32-35

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/08/2019

Acts 4:23-31

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/01/2019

Acts 4:1-21

by Pastor Jim Williams | 08/25/2019

Acts 3:11-26

by Pastor Jim Williams | 08/18/2019

Vital Signs | 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

by Jim Darlack | 08/04/2019

Changed by Glory | Matthew 17: 1-21

by Dan Hoffstetter, Associate Pastor of the Orthodox Congregational Church of Lanesville | 07/28/2019

Listening and Doing | James 1:19-27

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 07/07/2019

"What I Want for the Church" | Acts 19:11-20

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/30/2019

Surrender | Acts 1:4-8

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/23/2019

All That Is Within Me | Psalm 103:1-12

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/16/2019

Weapons of Warfare | 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/09/2019

Starting a New Route | Acts 1:1-3; 2:14-36

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/02/2019

Convincing Proofs | Acts 1:1-3

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/26/2019

The Altar | Hosea 10:12

by Pastor Jim Williams | 5/19/2019

Sticks and Stones | Isaiah 62:1-4

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/12/2019

Does Belief Matter? | John 20:24-31

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 05/05/2019

Jesus Will Show Up | John 20:19-23

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 04/28/2019

Resurrection Begins in the Dark | John 20:1-18

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 04/21/2019

Colossians 4:2-18

by Pastor Jim Williams | 4/7/2019

Colossians 3:18-25

by Pastor Jim Williams | 3/31/2019

Colossians 3:1-17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 3/24/2019

Colossians 2:8-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 3/19/2019

Colossians 1:24 - 2:5

by Pastor Jim Williams | 3/10/2019

How Big Is Your Jesus? | Colossians 1:15-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/03/2019

Being Biblical |Colossians 1:9-14

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/24/2019

Called to a Life of Greatness

by Carl Oulton, Elder and Founder of Hope Ascending | 02/17/2019

The Supremacy of Christ | Colossians 1:1-8

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/03/2019

Loneliness | Genesis 3:8

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 01/27/2019

Journey of Healing | Luke 17:20-21

by Pastor Jim Williams | 01/13/2019

Life Can Begin Again | Matthew 11:28-30

by Pastor Jim Williams | 01/06/2019

Yearning | Luke 2:22-32

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/30/2018

Advent Sunday: Love | 1 John 4:7-18

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/23/2018

Advent Sunday: Joy | Isaiah 35

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/16/2018

Advent Sunday: Peace | Daniel 12

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/09/2018

Advent Sunday: Hope | Daniel 10

by Pastor Jim Williams | 12/02/2018

We, not Me | Daniel 9

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/25/2018

Living in God's Reality | Daniel 8

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/18/2018

God is in Charge | Daniel 7

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/11/2018

Thinking Theo-Logically

by Pastor Jim Williams | 11/04/2018

Reflecting the Character of God | Daniel 6

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 10/28/2018

Our Witness Reflects God's Glory | Daniel 5

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/21/2018

Grace Will Bend Your Heart | Daniel 4

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/14/2018

Do not Bow Down to the World | Daniel 3

by Pastor Jim Williams | 10/07/2018

Our Sovereign God | Daniel 2

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 09/30/2018

Maintaining Our Witness | Daniel 1

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/23/2018

A New Creation

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 09/16/2018

Building Lives Toward Wholeness

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/09/2018

How Great is the Love of Jesus

by Pastor Jim Williams | 09/02/2018

Finding Jesus in the Marketplace

by Pastor Jim Williams | 08/26/2018

Love | 1 Corinthians 13

by Pastor Jim Williams | 08/19/2018

Missions in Malawi

by Mary & Robson Mulume | 08/12/2018

Jesus | Super Hero | Ezekiel 37:15-28

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | 08/05/2018

Sustainable Ministry in India

by Pastor Dhan | 07/29/2018

Dry Bones - Ezekiel 37:1-14

by Pastor Jim Williams | 07/22/2018

God's Amazing Grace

by Pastor Jim Williams | 07/15/2018

Jeremiah 2:1-13 "God of Love"

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 07/08/2018

Isaiah 65:1-17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 07/01/2018

Isaiah 40

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/24/2018

Romans 13:1-7

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/17/18

2 Kings 22-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 06/03/18

2 Kings 6:8-23

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/28/18

James 5:13

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/20/18

1 Kings 17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/13/18

1 Kings 16:29-33

by Pastor Jim Williams | 05/06/18

1 Kings 11:1-13

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 04/29/18

The Great Commission

by Carl Oulton, Elder | 04/22/18

1 Kings 3

by Pastor Jim Williams | 04/08/18

Easter Message

by Pastor Jim Williams | 04/01/18

Missions to India

by Pastor Manoj | 03/25/18

1 Samuel 15:1-37

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/18/18

Mark 2:13-17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/11/18

1 Samuel 17

by Pastor Jim Williams | 03/04/18

1 Samuel 8

by Pastor Jim Williams | 02/18/18

1 Samuel 3:1

by Ann Olson, Minister of Congregational Care | 02/04/18

Sermons from 2017

Story of Old Testament 8

by Dana Olson, Minister of Discipleship | Exodus 19-20

Story of Old Testament 7

by Pastor Jim Williams | Exodus 15:22

Story of Old Testament 5

by Pastor Jim Williams | Exodus 3:1-12

Story of Old Testament 4

by Pastor Jim Williams | Genesis 37 & 50

Story of Old Testament 3

by Pastor Jim Williams | Genesis 12:1-9

Story of Old Testament 2

by Pastor Jim Williams | Genesis 2:15 - 3:13

Story of Old Testament 1

by Pastor Jim Williams | Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Luke 19:1-10

by Pastor Jim Williams | 8/20/17

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Past Events

April 2019

Palm Sunday/Teen Challenge Choir

April 14, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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Nursery care is available for infants through 4 years old. Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to participate in Kingdom Kids.

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Good Friday Service

April 19, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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Easter Sunrise Service

April 21, 2019 @ 5:45 am - 6:30 am
Bass Rocks, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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A joint service with Community Church of East Gloucester at Bass Rocks near the Elks Lodge on Atlantic Avenue.

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Resurrection Sunday Morning Service

April 21, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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He is risen! Nursery care is available for infants through 4 years old. Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to participate in Kingdom Kids.

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June 2019

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

June 1, 2019 @ 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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We’d love to have every man in church attend this, the first of what we hope will be many God-led and fed meetings. Please sign-up in the foyer on Sunday or drop us an email to let us know you're coming. We need a head count to make sure we have enough food!

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December 2024

Sunday Morning Service

December 1 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 10:00am on Sunday, repeating until January 25, 2026

Gloucester Assembly of God, Atlantic Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930 United States
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Nursery care is available for infants through 4 years old. Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to participate in Kingdom Kids.

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Located in America's oldest seaport, Gloucester Assembly of God exists to bring the hope of Jesus to the people of Cape Ann and beyond. In Jesus we find forgiveness, healing, and restoration. We are passionate to see all grow in the love that God has for them. We invite you to worship on Sundays mornings at 10:00 am (childcare and children's programs provided).